rabbit n. 1.兔,家兔;野兔;兔皮。 2.胆小的人,懦夫。 3.〔英口〕笨拙的球员。 4.【军事】由工厂中偷出来的东西。 breed like rabbits 像兔子一样多生孩子。 dead rabbit 没价值的东西。 like rabbits in a warren (居民)稠密,拥挤不堪。 run like a rabbit 一溜烟地跑掉。 vt. 打兔子,猎兔。 vi. 兔子似地聚拢 ( together) go rabbiting 去打兔子。 n. -er 捕兔者。 vt. 〔下流语〕〔常用命令语气〕咒骂,诅咒。 Odd rabbit it!= 'Od rabbit 'em! 讨厌!讨厌的家伙!
at heart 内心里,本质上; 内心深处;实际上; 在内心,实质上; 在内心里,本质上; 在内心里,实际上; 在内心里;实质上
heart n. 1.心脏,心。 2.胸,胸部;心胸,心地,心肠,胸怀。 3.感情,热情,爱情;灵魂;良心。 4.勇气,胆力;勇士。 5.精神,气质;心境,心情。 6.中心,核心;精华,要点,本质。 7.意中人,情人;心爱的人,宝贝儿。 8.〔主英〕(土地的)肥沃程度。 9.心脏形的东西。 10.【牌戏】红桃,红心;〔pl.〕一组红桃花样的纸牌;一种设法不拿到红桃的纸牌游戏。 a broken heart 心碎,绝望。 Abundance of the heart 感情充沛。 Athletic [athlete's] heart 因运动过度所致的心脏肥大。 A big heart 胸襟宽度,心胸开阔。 A false heart 居心险诈,虚伪。 A free heart 胸怀坦白,无忧无虑。 A hard heart 冷酷,残忍。 A kind [soft, sympathetic, warm] heart 好心肠,善良的心。 A light heart 无忧无虑,快乐。 A single heart 单纯质朴,一心一意。 A stout heart 勇敢,果敢。 A heart of flint [stone] 铁石心肠。 A heart of gold = a tender heart 温柔的心肠,好心肠。 The girl is all heart. 那姑娘很温柔。 A man of heart 有感情的人。 One's dear [sweet] heart 情人。 A true heart 真正的勇士。 An affair of the heart 恋爱。 Every heart knows its own bitterness. 〔谚语〕各人苦恼自己知。 Faint heart never won fair lady. 〔谚语〕胆怯者赢不到美人。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 〔谚语〕有志者事竟成。 The heart that once truly loves never forgets. 〔谚语〕真正的爱,其情不渝。 What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. 〔谚语〕言为心声。 When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out at the mouth. 〔谚语〕心里有甚么,嘴上藏不住;心直口快。 A change of heart 1. 改变主意。 2. 变心,变节。 3. 改邪归正;【宗教】改宗,皈依。 A heart of oak 刚强的人,果断的人。 After one's (own) heart 符合自己的心意,正中下怀。 At heart 在感情深处,内心里。 At the bottom of one's heart 内心上。 Be enthroned in the hearts 念念不忘。 Be of good heart 心情舒畅。 Be sick at heart 1. 苦闷,愁苦,悲观。 2. 〔委婉语〕厌恶,恶心。 Bless my [your] heart 我的天哪! 好家伙! Break sb.'s heart 使某人很伤心,使某人悲痛欲绝。 Break the heartof sth. 度过最困难的时刻。 Bring sth. Home to sb.'s heart 〔多用被动结构 be brought 或用 come, go 等〕使某事为某人深知,使某事为某人深受感动。 Cross one's heart 在胸口画十字〔表示说的是真话〕。 Cry [weep] one's heartout 痛哭,哭得死去活来。 Cut [touch] sb. To the heart 触及某人痛处。 Do sb.'s heartgood 使某人高兴。 Devour one's heart = eat one's heartout 因伤心而消瘦,忧伤过度。 Find it in one's heart to (do) 〔常用于否定句中〕意欲(做…),忍心(做…) (She could not find it in her heart to leave him. 她不忍心离开他)。 Follow the dictates of one's heart 按照自己的爱好。 From one's heart = from the bottom of one's [the] heart 自心底,衷心。 Gain [have] sb.'s heart 取得某人的欢心,获得某人宠爱。 Gather heart 鼓起勇气,打起精神。 Give heart to sb. 鼓励某人。 Give one's heart to sb. 爱上某人。 Go to sb.'s heart [the heart] 使某人伤心;说中心病。 Go to [get to] the heart of matter 抓住要点。 Harden sb.'s heart 使某人心肠变硬。 Have a heart 〔口语〕发发慈悲,做做好事。 Have a soft [warm] spot in one's heartfor sb. 爱上某人。 Have sth. At heart 把某事放在心上,对某事深切关心。 Have no heart(to do sth.) 不想,无意于。 Have one's heart in 专心一意。 Have [bring] one's heart in one's mouth [boots] = one's heart leaps into one's mouth [throat] 吓一大跳。 Have one's heartin one's work 专心工作。 Have the [one's] heart in the right place 真心实意,好心好意。 Have the heart to do [say] 〔常用于否定句中〕有勇气做[说];忍心做[说]。 Heart and soul [hand] 全心全意地,热心地。 Imprint on sb.'s heart 铭刻某人心中。 In (good) heart 1. 精神抖擞的,情绪高昂的。 2. (土地)肥沃的。 In one's heart(of hearts) 在内心深处;秘密地。 In the fullness of one's heart 满腔热情地。 In the inmost [secret] recesses of the heart 在心坎里。 In the heart of 在…中心。 In the pride of one's heart 自豪,得意。 Keep a good heart 不丧失勇气。 Lay one's heart bare 倾吐衷情。 Lay sth. To heart 把(忠告、责备等)记在心里;,认真考虑。 Learn [get, have] sth. By heart 熟记。 Lie (heavy) at sb.'s heart =weigh upon sb.'s heart. Lie near sb.'s heart 受到某人的深切关怀。 Lose heart 沮丧,扫兴。 Lose one's heart to 爱上。 Make sb.'s heart bleed 使某人非常痛心。 Make sb.'s heartleap 使某人大吃一惊。 Move [stir, touch] sb.'s heart 打动某人的心。 My hearts! 【航海】勇敢的伙伴们! Near [nearest] (to) one's heart 非常关怀的;重大的,贵重的。 Not to have the heart to do [say] sth. 没有勇气做[说];不忍心做[说]。 One's heart gives a leap 吓一跳。 One's heart is broken 心碎,非常伤心。 Open [pour out, uncover] one's heart to sb. 向某人倾吐衷情。 Out of heart 1. 没精神,没精打采。 2. (土地)贫瘠的。 Pluck up one's heart 鼓起勇气,打起精神。 Put one's heart into sth. 热心于(某事),一心一意去做(某事)。 Put sb. Out of heart 使某人失去勇气[心灰意懒]。 Read sb.'s heart 看出某人心意。 Reverberate [ring] in one's heart 言犹在耳。 Search one's [the] heart 反省。 Set one's heartat rest [ease] 安心,放心。 Set one's [sb.'s] heart on (doing) sth. 使自己[某人]下决心做某事。 Set one's [the] heart on [upon] sth. 全神贯注做某事。 Speak to the heart 说动人心。 Shut one's heart to fear = steal one's heart against fear 一点不怕;横下心来。 Steal sb.'s heart 赢得某人欢心。 Take heart = pluck up one's heart. Take heart of grace 鼓起勇气。 Take sth. To heart 对某事痛心,对某事介意。 Take sth. [sb.] to one's heart 〔口语〕对某事[某人]表示喜爱,喜欢某事[某人]。 Take the heart out of sb. = tire sb.'s heart out = put sb. Out of heart. Wear [carry] one's hearton [upon] one's sleeve 心直口快,过于直率。 Wear sb. [sth.] in one's heart 忠于某人[某事]。 Weigh upon sb.'s heart 压在某人心上。 Win sb.'s heart = gain sb.'s heart. With a heart and a half 高兴(做)。 With a heavy heart 心情沉重,闷闷不乐。 With a light heart 高高兴兴,轻松愉快。 With all one's heart = with one's whole heart 诚心诚意,真心地。 With half a heart 勉勉强强地,半心半意地。 vt. 将…记在心中。 Heart a warning 记住警告。
Effects of qidanjian on transforming growth factor in rabbit heart muscle 芪丹煎对家兔心肌转化生长因子的影响
Protective effect of ischemic preconditioning on isolated rabbit heart 缺血预处理对兔离体心脏长期保存的心肌保护作用
Effectiveness of ischemic preconditioning in long term isolated rabbit heart preservation 再灌注损伤大鼠心功能的影响
Experimental studies of astralus injection preconditioning on cardioprotective effect in immature rabbit heart 黄芪注射液预处理对兔未成熟心肌保护作用的研究
Experimental study of huangqi injection on myocardial protection in ischemia reperfusion injury of rabbit heart 黄芪注射液抗体外兔心脏缺血再灌注损伤作用研究
Effects of electroacupuncture on expression of hsp90 of myocardial lschemic area in rabbit heart at neiguan acupoint 对缺血性心肌细胞热休克蛋白90表达影响的实验研究
Amiodarone prevent electrophysiological changes of acute atrial dilation accompanied with rapid atrial stimulation in isolated langendorff - perfused rabbit heart 离体兔心脏急性双心房扩张合并快速心房刺激时电生理变化及胺碘酮的干预作用
It is necessary to control the mechanical stimuli precisely in the studies of cardiac mechano - electrical feedback ( mef ) . in the present study a ventricular pressure - clamping system has been developed , which can be applied to isolated - perfused rabbit hearts . controlled by a computer , this system not only can make the left ventricle follow a command defining the same pressure wave as that during a beating cycle under physiological condition , but also deliver mechanical stimuli with a proper waveform to the ventricle at a particular time phase . this system integrates multiple functions , including perfusing , pacing , recording of electrocardiogram and monophasic action potentials , and clamping and measuring of ventricular pressures in isolated - perfused hearts . thus , it is a distinct system for investigating the phenomena and mechanisms of cardiac mef at organ level 在心脏机械电反馈的研究中准确控制机械刺激是非常重要的.本研究室构建了一套适用于离体家兔心脏的心室压力钳系统.该系统通过计算机控制压力钳,不仅能模拟正常生理条件下左心室的压力波形,还能在心室活动周期的特定时相、以适当波形对心室施加机械刺激.该系统集心脏灌流与起搏、表面心电图记录、单相动作电位记录、心室压力钳制与测定等多种功能于一体,特别适用于器官水平上观察机械电反馈现象并探讨其机制
Abstract : it is necessary to control the mechanical stimuli precisely in the studies of cardiac mechano - electrical feedback ( mef ) . in the present study a ventricular pressure - clamping system has been developed , which can be applied to isolated - perfused rabbit hearts . controlled by a computer , this system not only can make the left ventricle follow a command defining the same pressure wave as that during a beating cycle under physiological condition , but also deliver mechanical stimuli with a proper waveform to the ventricle at a particular time phase . this system integrates multiple functions , including perfusing , pacing , recording of electrocardiogram and monophasic action potentials , and clamping and measuring of ventricular pressures in isolated - perfused hearts . thus , it is a distinct system for investigating the phenomena and mechanisms of cardiac mef at organ level 文摘:在心脏机械电反馈的研究中准确控制机械刺激是非常重要的.本研究室构建了一套适用于离体家兔心脏的心室压力钳系统.该系统通过计算机控制压力钳,不仅能模拟正常生理条件下左心室的压力波形,还能在心室活动周期的特定时相、以适当波形对心室施加机械刺激.该系统集心脏灌流与起搏、表面心电图记录、单相动作电位记录、心室压力钳制与测定等多种功能于一体,特别适用于器官水平上观察机械电反馈现象并探讨其机制